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2021 - This Year

Click here to get a free copy of my song This Year. That's all. There's nothing to buy or sign up for. I just want the message to reach as many people as possible. I wrote it at the end of a song-a-day-for-a-year project back in 2011. It was the very last song in the collection of musical musings and observations about the world we live in as well as every imaginable emotion and thought to cross my tangled mind. It sat undeveloped and unreleased for nearly 10 years. Some friends and I will celebrate the 10th anniversary of that project by releasing a song a week for a year... once again exploring things happening in the world, the mind and hearts of people. I hope you'll pop in from time to time for a listen and a chat about your thoughts and feelings on a whole wide range of things over the course of the year as we meander through the music together. You can always listen for free and catch all the songs in the project by following me on Spotify and joining the discussion on Facebook. See you around!

This is the link to watch the concept video. I hope it inspires, uplifts and helps some of us to think about what we're doing to and with each other. I hope someday things really will get better.

Happy New Year.


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